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3 Step Process
Get your registered trademark in 3 easy steps.
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Check to see if your trademark is already being used.
Answer a few Questions

Fill out our simple questionnaire to begin the registration process.
Application Filling

Your application will be filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Customer Reviews
& Testimonials
See why others are choosing Trademark Genius!
Trademark Genius helped register my companies trademark. The process was simple, their customer service was excellent, and my trademark was registered without any issues. Highly recommend Trademark Genius.
I contacted Trademark Genius after running into many issues trying to register my companies trademark myself. They helped solve every issue i ran into. Would definitely recommend spending the money to have professionals handle this process.
Got my trademark registered with USPTO without any issues. Their dashboard is a great tool and helped me track the progress of my application all the way to completion. Will use them again for any other TM needs.
My experience with TMG was great. Their customer service team was friendly and helpful. The process was quick & simple. Thanks!
My trademark registration was a unique situation that required some extra work, the team helped guide me through this daunting process and got my application submit to USPTO (and was approved without issues) Thanks TMG!
Great experience with Trademark Genius. They were knowledgeable, quick and accurate. Helped iron out a few issues the USPTO was giving my application. I’d definitely use them again.
Protect Your Business with our Services
Trademark Registration

Trademark Alert Monitoring

Trademark Renewals

Everything you need to know about the trademark. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Chat with our friendly team!

The content on this Website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Any attorney involvement in trademark applications is limited to administrative tasks for USPTO compliance and does not constitute full legal representation. For personalized legal advice, consult independent counsel.
Trademark Genius makes no guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided. Use of this Website and linked materials is at your own risk, and communications are not confidential. By using our services, you acknowledge and accept these terms.
A few examples include: Apple for laptops, Sprite for soft drinks or Adidas for shoes.
Trademark Genius offers a Monthly Trademark Monitoring Service to maintain vigilance of how your mark is being used and stop infringement in its tracks. View Monitoring
The Application Process
- The mark that will be used
- Owner's/Applicant's legal name and address
- Applicant's type of legal entity
- LLC, Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, etc.
- Name and address of individual for correspondence
- A drawing of the Trademark
- The category and class(s) of your good(s)/service
- More than one class may be selected, however the more selected the more you will need to pay
- A description of your good(s)/service
- A list of goods/services to be covered by the application
- Date mark first used in commerce + date mark shared anywhere
- A copy of a specimen
- If a copy of the specimen is not available at the time of filing, Trademark Genius will send an email reminder
When you place an order, your order begins processing immediately. Due to the varying nature of processing times, you may request cancellation after your order has been placed - but we cannot guarantee that your order will be canceled. You may be able to cancel your order by contacting us via email at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-270-6305.
Orders that our team has already begun reviewing and processing will be subject to a cancellation fee of up to $99. Your order is no longer refundable once we have submitted it to the USPTO.
Trademark Genius offers an Office Action Response service to aid in responding to the USPTO and getting your Trademark back on track for registration. View details here: Office action Service
Trademark Status & Document Retrieval:
If you have questions regarding your status, inquiry is available in a variety of methods on the USPTO contact information page:
USPTO Contact Information Page:
1. 5th-6th anniversary of Date of Filing (first Declaration of C. filed)
2. 9th-10th anniversary of Date of Filing (second Declaration of C. filed)
3. Every 10 years of Date of Filing (recurring filing moving forward)
Trademark Genius offers a Trademark Renewal service to aid in a seamless renewal and ensure your Trademark remains properly protected. View Filing a Renewal
Basic Questions
- Likelihood of Confusion
- Merely Descriptive and Deceptively Misdescriptive
- Geographically Descriptive and Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive
- Ornamentation
- Surname
USPTO Master List Search: