Official US Trademark Registration

Still have questions? Call 1 (800) 270 - 6305 or LIVE CHAT with us for real-time support.

Official US Trademark Registration

Still have questions? Call 1 (800) 270 - 6305 or LIVE CHAT with us for real-time support.

Trusted by Over 10,000 Trademark Filers
We've successfully filed over 10,000 trademark applications
1-Day Express Processing Available
With our premier option, we can complete your search within 1 business day, and file the application after you have approved it.
Trademark Monitoring
1 Month of free trademark monitoring included to ensure no infringements on your mark are filed.
Prepare & Reviewed by Our Specialists
Have peace of mind knowing our specialists will research your mark, file for you, and deal with minor roadblocks
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Select what you are trying to protect

Please provide a valid name

If you do not have proof now, you can submit proof later after your trademark is submitted to the Trademark office. If you do it later, you will need to pay a $100 government fee (for US trademarks).
Click on "Continue" to save your application
Once you have received your search(es) and our specialists have curated your Trademark application, Trademark Genius will collect and pay the government-discounted TEAS Standard electronic filing fee of $350. In some cases, a Trademark application may fit the qualifications of filing with the less common TEAS PLUS system for $250. In these instances, Trademark Genius will retain the difference in cost due to the additional processing on our part.